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Showing posts from May, 2018

Oldies But Goodies

Last weekend I was wearing a crocheted shawl which according to my Ravelry Project Page , I finished making in 2000. It's called the Short Shawled Vest and was designed by Kate Coburn.

Cheering for the Chirpers!

Besides crochet, my other form of relaxation is observing and enjoying nature. For weeks now, I have been enjoying the continual show of color brought forth in my perennial garden. Each week, another variety starts to bloom, bringing surprise and joy. Also this year, a mother robin has again chosen to make a nest in the same pine tree as two years ago.

WIPS: To Finish or Not to Finish?

Winter was a time of relaxation for me; and I got to enjoy my favorite therapeutic activity: crochet. I walked on the beach, then crocheted; I took a nap, then crocheted; I walked to dinner, then crocheted; I swam in the pool then crocheted. Needless to say, my winter lifestyle allowed me to get a lot of crocheted projects started and/or finished. Pondering all I've done since January 2018, got me to thinking about WIPS (Works in Progress). Crocheters, in general, seem to fall into several categories: 1) Those who start and finish projects, one at a time 2) Those who start several projects in a short period of time, but finish them all 3) Those who love to start projects, but don't love to finish them Whether their procrastination is due to a glitch in the pattern they are following; a misunderstanding of the directions; or just plain lack of interest, their many half-finished projects get balled up and thrown into a bag. Eventually, they wind up in the black hold of Yarnd...