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Showing posts with the label crochet rockstar fame familiarity crockstar coolcrocheter abbreviations lingo

Crock Star 4: Re-Tool to Be Cool

Crocheters the world over have struggled with the "coolness" factor and often have found themselves hovering in the cool shadows of the knitters, but no more! Even though I am ehem, older, I fancy myself as young at heart. I did, however, suffer through the anti-crochet-old granny-doily syndrome in the seventies and still remember some of the inadequate feelings I chose to hang onto about my passion and beloved crochet. I vowed when I started the Crochet Guild (CGOA) that we crocheters would never cast aspersions upon any needleartists. Stitching is a pathway everyone deserves to take and it doesn't matter how the loops are twisted as long as they are twistin'. I believe each and every member of the CGOA is a Crochet Star! We just have to start believing it  and promoting ourselves as such. A little more sense of humor, like our stitcherly sisters seem to have, would help. We have the passion and we've worked long and hard to achieve our skills, so why not be &quo