Monday, October 22, 2012
Maybe it is because I live in a suburb of the huge metropolis of Chicago or maybe it is because I have more time to notice these days, but I am finding many exciting, educational and fun activities through our library system. Not only can I take advantage of my own library offerings, but I can also attend a program in any other village/city for little or no cost.
Recently, we have attended several offerings that I want to share here. It is the 100th Anniversary of the Girl Scouts this year and I have signed on to their alumni site, but had not yet gotten too involved. Last week I attended a program presented by Juliette Low, the founder of Girl Scouts, portrayed by an excellent historic reenactor. She stood in front of a lovely, artistic panel which brought us to the woods with her little tri-pod campfire on the floor. "Juliette" talked to us like she was there on a camp-out with her "girls" as she called them. She was dressed in a GS uniform of the time, 1912, and it resembled an army uniform.
There were people of all ages and genders in attendance, among them many girls from a local trip. It was quite an enjoyable and easy way to be reminded of this historic woman and her many contributions. Of course, I came right home to research for a "crochet" badge. I found the Senior Textile Artist badge
and also found that today there is a way for girls to create their own badge for topic in which they have a particular interest. It's called "Make Your Own."
Hmmm, girls really need a crochet badge, but someone else will have to take on that cause! Back in 2003-04 to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the Crochet Guild (CGOA), we developed a patch
in collaboration with DRG, a huge publisher of crochet magazines and books. (Now Annies). We invited young people to attend free learn-to-crochet sessions at our annual conference which was held in Chicago.
My mother was my scout leader when I was in elementary school and I still have such fond memories of all those activities and outings we enjoyed. I was a girl scout through my freshman year in high school. Scouting was so unpopular at that age, that I had to join a "Mariner" troop in land-locked Ft. Wayne, IN! I have volunteered to be a Daisy Leader and also a girl scout leader (in Mexico) for my daughters. I have attended the World Center, "our cabana" in Cuernavaca, Mexico (one of four worldwide). Scouting means a lot to me, even at my age! Maybe it shaped who I am. Today, the scouts are entirely different, but I like how they have kept up with the times and promote self-esteem to girls in this difficult and bully-prevalent ambience.
I still have my sash
It's a treasure that means a lot to me. It looks like I was interested in the arts back then: painting, basketry,sewing, ceramics, etc are the badges I see. Today, there is a broader range of experience for the "new girl scout." Today they have a "jeweler" badge under the category of "craft." and a "drawing" badge under the category of "artist."
After spending last weekend with Chloe, our three-year-old granddaughter, looking for pumpkins and ghosts, I guess we were in macabe mode! Yesterday, we enjoyed the
"boo-tiful" music of the Dead Composers Society Orchestra at the library. Their program consisted of classical favorites that bring to life the "spirits" of the season. This trio of women is extremely talented and they know how to entertain. On a roll, we went on a "Ghost Walk" in the evening where we learned all about the ghosts that return to Palatine as either earthbound or spirits. The leader of the tour was very knowlegable and also happened to be an English teacher we had known at the high school attended by our girls.
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