Wednesday, January 25, 2012 As they say, computers are like husbands: you can't live with them but you sure can't live without them! Since my email was hacked on Jan. 6, I have had a non-stop challenge to get back to working order. I've had so many calls to ATT and Yahoo, that I now recognized the customer service agents' voices! I have learned to work the system and request to be connected to "Tier 2" support because I know I will need it! I still have one minor issue to resolve, but basically, I am back in working order. I pride myself as someone who is pretty computer savvy and if not, willing to learn. For my age, I think I have come quite a long way. That is probably the one benefit of this whole fiasco: I have learned a lot! During the many occasions while I was kept waiting for an ATT agent to answer my call, I was not grinding my teeth or biting my nails. Crochet is my sanity, but by now you know that! Yes, of course, I was crocheting while waiting in line for an agent! Not only have I been to "hell" and back this month, but to Florida and back with my darling girls and Prince Jack as well. Sweet Nicole arranged for my dear friend, Cindy to travel across the state from Plantation to surprise me. What a bonus it was on top of a wonderful get away! This month has been very busy on the teaching front for me. Last Sat. I started a 3-part series at a bead store. We started with crochet for beaders Beginning Crochet Coin Purse and it still amazes me as to how little crocheters who say they know how to crochet know!! Two-hours of awkward struggling and as the shop owner said, we had a remedial corner for slow learners. I think the light bulb went on toward the end of the session and they promised to practice! I really look forward to part 2 when I will teach them bead crochet. I am so enamored with beads, I want everyone to love it. This week I embarked on a two-part class for kids The book I co-authored: Kids Can Do It Crocheting It was at a private school and during this week which they call J-Term, the kids have an opportunity to experience things that they might otherwise not get to experience. I was told that crochet was very well received and that the allotted spaces filled up quickly. The teacher was amazed at how they took practice to heart after the first lesson. On day 2 they returned with greatly improved skills and even began to add their own creative touches to what I was teaching them. Their age, 7th graders, had a lot to do with this. Their motor skills are sufficiently developed that they caught on well. The culture of the school had a big influence too. It is a very nurturing environment and I am sure their confidence comes from being led by supportive encouragement. The room mom bought my book to donate to the school library. Eighteen new crocheters were born into the world this week (17 girls and one lone, brave boy). I am happily confident that I will be invited back for the next J-Term. Here's what I got done while hanging on the phone with ATT, so it's not all bad!:
I was awakening to the world of crochet in 1972,a time of immense artistic expression through fiber arts; and crochet was not the “ugly stepchild” at the time. In fact, Ferne Cone Gellar who I admire as a successful fiber artist said in “Knitting: The Stepchild of the Fiber Arts?” ( Fibercraft Newsletter 1978), “Has knitting been slighted among the areas of the fiber arts? The very word ‘knitting’ evokes images of the little old lady in tennis shoes. Over the years, I’ve learned to ignore all those jokes.” Cone Gellar went on to publish Crazy Crocheting in 1981 and encouraged her readers to create more than bedspreads, providing ideas such as “things to play with or to display on a shelf or hang on a wall.” A photo of single crochet from bread wrappers served as inspiration. In 1972 in her book, Creating Art from Fibers & Fabrics , Dona Meilach wrote: “Why are fibers and fabrics becoming increasingly appealing to artists? Most artists ag...