Wherever I travel nationally or internationally, I search for crochet, crocheters and yarn! Crochet is truly an international language. Words are not needed; the love of crochet transcends words and creates an instant bond no matter where we are from.
Florence, Italy, May, 2008
My friend, Terese, from my CGOA Chapter told me about a yarn shop she loves in Florence and found the address to give to me. Sure enought, it was still there just where she said: Campolini Filati
Via Portinar 19/21 Firenza

Here's the yarn I bought there at bargain prices. Thanks, Terese!
Trenitalia from Florence to Milan, Italy; May 2008
We loved the train ride and the views. I wanted to see the dining car and as we walked through, I saw 2 knitters and one crocheter. On the way back to our seat I stopped to see what the crocheter was making. It was a lovely table runner of fine thread and she was very happy to show me. I showed her what I was working on, as well. It was a delightful moment!

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, April, 2008
It was our last day in Santo Domingo where we took a couple of leisure days after doing medical mission work in three outlying villages for a week. As we walked along a tourist area on our way back to the hotel, I spotted this crocheter sitting in a doorway. She was busily crocheting and selling her finished work all made in nylon cord. I stopped to admire and chat and I bought a hat for my friend, Amanda who has leukemia.

Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico, September, 2007
We own a house in the village of Ajijic. While visiting there, friend Sheila and I went to Guadalajara to explore bead and yarn shops. .
As we walked along the crafty neighborhood, we encountered a yarn shop where a group of women met regularly to crochet and knit together We had a nice chat with them and they admired the crochet and woven garments we were wearing.
Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2007
Mohair Yarn I purchased in the company of Dona Victoria, a friend of one of my co-workers, at a Craft Market.
From a Magazine I saw in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Montevideo, Uruguay, May 2007
While on a wild goose chase to find Manos de Uruguay yarn at a retail store, I came upon a small local yarn store where I bought this locally spun wool in these vibrant colors.

Santiago, Chile, May 2007
I purchased this bracelet from a woman street vendor
right outside the entrance to the subway. It is crocheted in wire with beads and She stationed herself there to crochet and sell them for $2.00! It is crocheted in wire with beads.
Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico, 1991
This is a pot pottery pot that I bought. It is covered with crochet. It appeared in the article, Crochet's Latin Beat" by Nilda Mesa, Interweave Crochet, Spring 2007.

Las Vegas, Santa Barbara, Honduras, 1973
As a Peace Corps volunteer nurse, I started an outpatient clinic. The nurses' aides that worked with me were constantly crocheting and offered to teach me how. I learned by rote, watching them do the stitches, in Spanish. They did not use patterns, but had tradtitional stitches memorized. When I returned to the States after my Peace Corps service, I taught myself to read patterns and truly fell in love with crochet!
Here's a picture of all the clinic staff and those who taught me to crochet.
Florence, Italy, May, 2008
My friend, Terese, from my CGOA Chapter told me about a yarn shop she loves in Florence and found the address to give to me. Sure enought, it was still there just where she said: Campolini Filati
Via Portinar 19/21 Firenza

Here's the yarn I bought there at bargain prices. Thanks, Terese!
Trenitalia from Florence to Milan, Italy; May 2008
We loved the train ride and the views. I wanted to see the dining car and as we walked through, I saw 2 knitters and one crocheter. On the way back to our seat I stopped to see what the crocheter was making. It was a lovely table runner of fine thread and she was very happy to show me. I showed her what I was working on, as well. It was a delightful moment!
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, April, 2008
It was our last day in Santo Domingo where we took a couple of leisure days after doing medical mission work in three outlying villages for a week. As we walked along a tourist area on our way back to the hotel, I spotted this crocheter sitting in a doorway. She was busily crocheting and selling her finished work all made in nylon cord. I stopped to admire and chat and I bought a hat for my friend, Amanda who has leukemia.
Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico, September, 2007
We own a house in the village of Ajijic. While visiting there, friend Sheila and I went to Guadalajara to explore bead and yarn shops. .

Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2007
Mohair Yarn I purchased in the company of Dona Victoria, a friend of one of my co-workers, at a Craft Market.

From a Magazine I saw in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Montevideo, Uruguay, May 2007
While on a wild goose chase to find Manos de Uruguay yarn at a retail store, I came upon a small local yarn store where I bought this locally spun wool in these vibrant colors.

Santiago, Chile, May 2007
I purchased this bracelet from a woman street vendor

Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico, 1991
This is a pot pottery pot that I bought. It is covered with crochet. It appeared in the article, Crochet's Latin Beat" by Nilda Mesa, Interweave Crochet, Spring 2007.

Las Vegas, Santa Barbara, Honduras, 1973
As a Peace Corps volunteer nurse, I started an outpatient clinic. The nurses' aides that worked with me were constantly crocheting and offered to teach me how. I learned by rote, watching them do the stitches, in Spanish. They did not use patterns, but had tradtitional stitches memorized. When I returned to the States after my Peace Corps service, I taught myself to read patterns and truly fell in love with crochet!

Sorry for the delay. I had to email my friend in Ajijic to get the details for you. She was my tour guide in Guad and I am not that familiar with the city. How is your Spanish Carla? Just get yourself to Sta. Teresita and then ask anyone about "lana" or "tiendas de lana."
[The shops were all in Santa Teresita ... I think the large fabric shop with parking across the street (beside the bead store) is Villa Nueva, but I'm not positive.]