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Showing posts from November, 2016

Let Me Introduce Madam Walker

It's been a busy week, filled with getting tasks done and making real progress. Today my calendar reminded me that I had set aside time to take in a cultural event. Since moving to Indiana last December, I've been very intrigued  with the state's Bicentennial. There are so many interesting programs exhibits and activities revolving around the celebration, that I am trying to take in as many as possible. It has the added benefit of helping me get to know my way around and to discover interesting restaurants too "Freetown Village is a living history museum with the mussion to educate thep ublic about African American lives and culture in Indiana through living history, exhibits, allied programs, and the colletion and preservation of artifacts." Today Freetown was presenting the Madame Walker Story created and presented by a special character to bring this history to life. Volunteers Preserving the Legacy of Madame Walker The early life and legacy of Madame W...